Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tube Leecher

Have you ever gone on YouTube and was like...I wish I could show this in my classroom, but those 'darn' internet filters will block it! Then you think, I wish I could download that file, and you search high and low to see if you can the video from YouTube. Afters hours of searching, well hopefully you give up at 5 minutes, you come to the conclusion that it's not possible. But suddenly a great site is found, Tube Leecher!

Tube Leecher lets you plug in the standard http link to the YouTube video and lets you download it directly to your computer. So, you still need to be able to go to YouTube, but not you can download the file at home, and birng it to school. Now the only catch is that you need to download and install flvplayer flash player to open the videos. But you can always convert them so you can play with windows media player. Now I'm not saying this is 100% legal, but if it's public, it's for everyone right?

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