Sunday, October 12, 2008

The eyeballing game

You know you've done it. You want to put something up, but you don't want to measure it, and then it's a little off. Well, you think it might look good, but everyone else thinks is looks like terrible. So before you jump into just eyeballing that frame you want to put up on the wall, play the eyeballing game.

The game works by showing you a series of geometries that need to be adjusted a little bit to make them right. A square highlights the point that needs to be moved or adjusted. Use the mouse to drag the blue square or arrowhead where you feel it is 'right'. Once you let go of the mouse, the computer evaluates your move, so don't let up on the mouse button until you are sure. The 'correct' geometry is also shown in green. To avoid the need for extra mouse clicks, a mouse button up counts as the move being finished, so be careful.

So go ahead and try it...I dare you! And as a warning, it's addicting.

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