Monday, August 25, 2008

So if you're like me, you want to know what your students are doing each day. Especially in a situation like myself, where I'm in a computer lab with 28 computers, and a list of assignments due throughout each week. Anyways...the best thing I have found to use to keep students on their toes is a website called It's a free way for your students to keep a log on what they accomplish each week. It also allows them to email you their daily, weekly, monthly, etc. etc. production. So this can be used on projects, everyday worksheets, and pretty much anything else you could give out. It also has an option of getting in contact with other peers and see what kind of work they are doing, so say you're doing a group project, instead of the awkward phone call to see what Johnny is doing, just go on to ididwork and check out his progress, then give him that attitude because he waited last minute to finish the project!

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