Sunday, November 16, 2008

XMind - Social Brainstorming

You know the old standard brainstorming charts that your students having been making since 4th grade? You know what I'm talking about, the one is the big oval/brain looking thing with a bunch of lines coming off of it. Yeah, now you remember. Anyways, that's so 4th grade ago. XMind is an open source, and yes that means free, program that makes brainstorming fun. Go ahead, call it brainstorming 2.0.

According to their website, using XMind/XMind Pro with's sharing service is a revolutionary way to enable both team brainstorming and personal mind mapping. With this major upgrade, we bring Web 2.0 concepts on community sharing into a popular desktop application.

The best part about this is that they have it for all platforms, Windows, Mac, Linux, and even a pack-and-go for your usb! (which is my favorite things are in the world now a days!)

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